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The 146 Artworks of media Woodcut and containing the word edvard munch, woodcut, symbolism, 1900

Oswaldo De Souza Andrade Goeldi - TardeTardeOswaldo De Souza Andrade Goeldi

Numa tarde qualquer, vê-se um homem que atravessa uma rua empurrando um carrinho e, ao fundo, a fachada de uma casa de dois andares e o sol, flutuando como uma bola de fogo no céu. Cenas do cotidiano estiveram sempre presentes na obra de Goeldi e a xilogravura sempre foi, entre as técnicas da gravur...

Museu Nacional de Belas Artes (Rio De Janeiro, Brazil)
Yamamoto Kanae - BretonneBretonneYamamoto Kanae

Kanae Yamamoto was born in Okazaki, and when he was ten years old, he began to study under Gyoun Sakurai who owned a wood-block printing studio. Later, he changed his mind and decided to become a painter, and entered the Western-style painting department of Tokyo Fine Art School. After graduating fr...

Nagoya City Art Museum (Nagoya, Japan)